Sunday, 9 March 2014

Pilot Versus The Master

The Pilot's presence on board does not relieved the master or OOW from their duties and responsibilities for the safety of the ship.

Lookout Duties Of A Seafarer

A good lookout shall be maintained at all times using all available means, including but not limited to visual, audible and electronic.

The lookout shall not leave the bridge unless relieved. Safety - Fire rounds to be done after the watch.

The Master Of A Ship

He has the ultimate responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of the ship.

The Officer Of The Watch - OOW

OOW - The master's representative and his primary responsibility at all times is the safe navigation of the ship. The OOW shall comply at all times with the applicable regulations preventing collisions at sea

Pump Room Entry Checklists

  • Has the area been thoroughly ventilated and arrangements been made for the space to be continuously ventilated throughout the period of occupation and during work breaks?                         
  • Is there adequate illumination provided ?                                    
  • Has a RA/JHA carried out and any risk mitigating measures derived from it implemented?                            
  • Has the fixed / Portable gas detection system been in use?  
  • Has prior to entry atmosphere tests?                                                         
          Example Readings:       Oxygen                              20.9 %vol (21%)                                        
                                          Hydrocarbon                       0 % LFL (Less than 1%)     
                                          Toxic Gases                        0 ppm (specify gas & PEL)

  • Is rescue and resuscitation equipment available for immediate use by the entrance to the space?          
  • Has the Officer of the Watch (bridge, engine room, cargo control room) been advised of the planned entry?                                                                        
  • Has a system of communication between the person at the entrance and those entering the space been agreed and tested?                                                                 
  • Are emergency and evacuation procedures established and understood?                                                          
  • Is there a system for recording who is in the space? 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014