Monday, 29 January 2018

Do good and share with others

Believe, Wait and Never Give Up

Overcast Sky

Overcast sky, calm sea, good visibility. Yes!

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Change is part of living

Our age is one of the changes we can't avoid. Positive attitude towards the change may help us bring to the best of our common best goals that life can offer. Patience, hope, faith and love are the keys to deal with the constant changes in life.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Paris MOU PSC Deficiency Codes

Useful information for Seafarers about PSC Inspection Deficiency and Action Taken
For more updated information please visit:

Rectified (code 10)
Used for a deficiency which has been rectified and verified by a PSCO.

To be rectified at next port (code 15)
Use for a deficiency which cannot be rectified before departure but which the PSCO requires the rectification at the next port.
This action requires that the deficiency is rectified at the next port. It is possible that the repair work or delivery of equipment may take place during the ship’s stay in that port.

To be rectified within 14 days (code 16)
Used for a deficiency which, in the PSCO’s professional judgement, is not serious enough to require urgent rectification or verification by a PSCO before departure. This action taken sets a maximum limit of 14 days but it is left to the master’s responsibility to rectify the deficiency as soon as necessary and reasonable within that period.

To be rectified before departure (code 17)
Used for a deficiency which:
should be rectified before the ship sails but is not serious enough to warrant detention,
or/and can reasonably be rectified before the ship sails. If the ship is not detained it is left to the master’s responsibility to rectify the deficiency before departure. No verification by a PSCO is required (at that port call).
If a deficiency which is to be rectified before departure is verified by a PSCO as rectified before the ship departs it should be recorded as rectified.

Corrective action taken on the ISM system by the Company is required within 3 months
(code 21)
Use only for defective item code 15150 ISM.
The PSCO should use professional judgement in deciding whether technical or operational related
deficiencies, individually or collectively do not warrant a detention of the ship but indicate a failure,
or lack of effectiveness, of the implementation of the ISM Code.
If the PSCO does establish a link between technical or operational related deficiencies found and
the implementation of the ISM Code, an ISM related deficiency should be recorded with the action
taken code “Corrective action taken on the ISM system by the Company is required within 3
months”. After 3 month this will create an unexpected factor and makes the ship eligible for an additional inspection.
Code 21 is also to be used as final action taken for a detainable defective item code 15150, once the external audit required by code 19 has been carried out.
The free text to be recorded to read:
"Deficiency(s) marked ISM is (are) objective evidence of a failure, or lack of effectiveness, of the
implementation of the ISM Code. The ship will be eligible for re-inspection after 3 months from the
final date of the report.”

Safety management audit by the Administration is required before departure of the ship
(code 19)
Used only for a detainable defective item code 15150 ISM.
The PSCO should use professional judgement in deciding whether technical or operational related
deficiencies, individually or collectively lead to detention of the ship and indicate a serious failure,
or lack of effectiveness, of the implementation of the ISM Code
If the PSCO does establish a link between technical or operational related deficiencies found and
the implementation of the ISM Code, an ISM related deficiency should be recorded with the action
taken code “Safety management audit by the Administration is required before departure of the ship”. The free text to be recorded to read:
"Safety management audit by the Administration is required before departure of the ship.
Deficiency(s) marked ISM is (are) objective evidence of a serious failure, or lack of effectiveness,
of implementation of the ISM Code.” A serious failure or lack of effectiveness of the implementation of the ISM Code is a ground for

Competent Security Authority informed (code 26)
Used only for a deficiency of the Security code series where the competent security authority of
the PSCO’s State is informed that clear grounds have been found in accordance with the
PSCCInstruction Guidelines on Security.
Grounds for detention (tick box)
Used for each deficiency which is a ground for detention, taking account of point 2.3.3. of this
RO resp. (tick box)
Used for each detainable deficiency which is determined, in accordance with a PSCCInstruction
on Criteria for Responsibility Assessment of Recognised Organisations (R/O) should be related to
the Recognised Organisation that issued or endorsed the statutory certificates related to the
detainable deficiency.
Accidental Damage (tick box)
Used only for a deficiency for which Paris MoU Section 3.5 is applying
ISM related (tick box)
Used for each technical or operational related deficiency which should be related to the defective
item code 15150

To be rectified at agreed repair port (code 46)
Used only for a detainable deficiency which the PSCO agrees for the ship to sail to a repair port
for rectification.

As in the agreed class condition (code 47)
Used for a deficiency which is not fully rectified but which the PSCO has accepted a “condition of
class” on the outstanding deficiency issued by the classification society for the ship. This action
can only relate to an item covered by the classification certificate e.g. hull and machinery.
It is not the same as a condition issued by the flag State (see code 48).

As in the agreed flag State condition (code 48)
Used only for a deficiency found during the PSC inspection which cannot be fully rectified before
departure for which the PSCO has accepted a document with a condition on the outstanding
deficiency issued by the flag State of the ship or delegated RO on behalf of the flag State of the

As in the agreed rectification action plan (code 49)
Used only for MLC, 2006 related detainable deficiencies.
The master and shipowner propose a Rectification Action Plan. The RAP should be submitted by
the master to the flag State and should be attached to the notice of release of detention form. The
RAP should specify, in particular, the action required and time frame agreed to rectify the MLC,
2006 related detainable deficiency(ies)
See also Section of this guideline.

Flag State Administration consulted (code 55)
Used when the flag State is consulted over a deficiency.

Operation stopped (code 65)
Used when the PSCO orders an operation/activity observed during the inspection to be stopped.

Temporary substitution (code 80)
Used when a deficiency has been rectified by a temporary substitution of equipment or by putting
in place a temporary arrangement e.g. the engine room is manned while a deficiency in the fire
detection is not yet repaired.

Temporary repair carried out (code 81)
Used for a deficiency which is only temporarily repaired before departure after the PSCO agrees
to a proposal from the ship, R.O. or flag. The PSCO should also require that the deficiency is fully
rectified in a specified time, for example at the next port, at an agreed repair port, in 14 days or as
mentioned in the agreed flag State condition.

Letter of warning issued (code 95)
Used only for letters of warning specified by the PMoU Port State Control Committee.

Letter of warning withdrawn (code 96)
Used only for letters of warning specified by the PMoU Port State Control Committee.

Master instructed to ... (code 99)
Used only when an instruction to the master is considered appropriate and it is not covered by the standard actions taken. Further it is necessary to indicate in clear text as to what the master is instructed to do and the time allowable for completing the action requested.
Code 99 is available for any deficiency an all main groups of codes except: ISM / Security

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Sim4Crew International Seafarers

Sim4Crew simcard is very useful and affordable rates for internet data. Basically it is cheaper than purchasing any local simcard in every port. Local simcard with internet in every port is about 15 to 25 US dollars in price. But some ports, simcards are not available. That is why sim4crew simcard is the most convenient, cheaper and easy to top-up either regular load or internet bundles. You can easily top-up via credit cards or many options on their website. Regular top-up load can be used also for internet in reasonable rates as being experienced in various port locations of Russia, Romania, Turkey, Germany and UK ports. So much for that you can use the simcard for life as long as it is not damage. The regular load will expire in 2 years. Internet bundles will expire in 45 days. Information in this blog may not be 100% accurate. For more information please visit