Wednesday 8 April 2020

How Does The Law Of Attraction Works?

Real thing happens by doing something. It begins with a single thought, but we may not be aware of. Then the actions took place as being thought. Now, think of anything that you have. Close your eyes. All those things you have, were the results of your thoughts and actions. Thoughts include prayers, ideas, plans, goals, wants, needs, and wishes. Actions correnspod on what were the processes done to make the thoughts real. It may take time to feel that you achieve it. It includes patience, doing something like education, learning from others, job or business. If the law of attraction doesn't work for you. Stop for a while. Think. Your thoughts and actions may be not applicable and efficient in the present time. You must upgrade yourself. Accept challenges. Take proper actions. Find other ways. Don't stop looking for solutions to make it possible. As being said that all things are possible. Even the impossible is being possible thru immagination and the law of attraction because all the resources are here on earth, the abundance and blessings. God has already supplied everything here on earth.

Thursday 23 January 2020

Mississippi River - Port To Port

Mississippi River - Stbd To Stbd

Friday 6 December 2019

All Filipino Seafarers

Teamwork, respect, dedication, happiness, safety, health and love of our family. Blessings and calm seas ahead of our journey.

Friday 8 November 2019

Taking Action Makes The Difference

If you think that you can or you can't, you are right. You must to take action in order to reach every goals in life.

Saturday 28 September 2019